Supporting Trauma Survivors in Colorado Springs: A Comprehensive Guide

This comprehensive guide provides information on mental health care services available for trauma survivors in Colorado Springs including counseling services for children ages 0-18, TRIP program for parents & educators, CBITS program for group & individual interven

Supporting Trauma Survivors in Colorado Springs: A Comprehensive Guide

Skills used in SPR (Stress and Problem Resolution) are designed to help trauma survivors identify their most pressing current concerns and to teach them the skills to better address those needs. This includes improving problem-solving ability, increasing positive activities, controlling distressing reactions, promoting useful thinking, and building healthy social connections. At Diversus Health, we provide professional counseling and mental and behavioral health care services in Colorado. Our professional counselors and licensed providers work with children from early childhood to adolescence (ages 0 to 18).

We believe it's important to hear your voice and we listen to your experiences. We encourage healthy participation throughout the counseling and therapy process to help guide you through the practice of healing. Parents and guardians of children who could benefit from Diversus Health counseling services often wonder what signs and symptoms to look for before booking an appointment for professional care. Jaylynne Koch, director of clinical programs at Diversus Health, states that it is important to consider multiple environments as an indication of mental health problems in children.

In some cases, it may be something in the environment that creates a concern that can be easily remedied outside of traditional therapy. The first few weeks or months of therapy are spent getting to know the child and building a relationship with them. This is the most fundamental element of therapy, as some children develop a relationship with their therapist quickly while others may take some time. During this time, your therapist will need your support and collaboration to learn about your parenting style and your child's personality. A team approach between parents and therapists will help your child to participate in therapy more quickly and will help to easily address the most important concerns.

Every child and every situation is unique. The therapist can help you understand what behaviors are commonly seen in children who are in similar situations and can help you understand what is typical of your child's age and development. Parents play a vital role in the therapy process. Being open-minded to the suggestions and education your therapist provides is a great start to helping the therapy process progress smoothly. Children often enroll in therapy with a system that requires support, and therapists need your help in that process.

As a parent, you are the expert on your child and their needs. Your therapist is the expert in the field of mental health. Collaboration on both sides is essential to your child's therapeutic success. The TRIP program equips both parents and educators of children who have experienced trauma with trauma-responsive training to lessen the impact of trauma and promote healing. Many organizations have developed resources to help schools, parents, and students deal with the emotional trauma of violent events and who are looking for information on how to create safe school environments. The Center for Adaptation of Treatments and Services website is supported by a team of doctors, researchers, and educators who are respected authorities in the areas of school trauma and crisis response.

These experts come from the RAND Corporation, UCLA, USC, and LAUSD. The Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) program is a school-based group and individual intervention. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, students who had experienced trauma were among those who faced the most challenges both inside and outside of schools. The Trauma Response Implementation & Practice Program at the Kempe Center for Prevention & Treatment of Child Abuse & Neglect is directed by an expert faculty member from the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Mental Health First Aid Colorado is a state public education program committed to empowering people to identify, understand, and respond to people in mental health and substance abuse crises. The CPM (Childhood Posttraumatic Stress Model) is a brief evaluation & response protocol that guides the identification & response to traumatic stress in children seen in healthcare facilities & other pediatric settings. The Helping & Lending Outreach Support (HALOS) program in Charleston, South Carolina connects child victims & their caregivers with local organizations that provide special resources & opportunities to these families in need.

This initiative is supported by the Office of Behavioral Health of Colorado Department of Human Services & Office for Children, Youth & Families. Gomez & Fauchier have been downloaded by more than 700 users from at least 25 states & 7 countries. It's now easier than ever to provide support after a disaster & focus on what really matters: people in need. Resources created to highlight issues related to trauma, explain how trauma can affect children & adolescents & help schools support students & families who have been affected by trauma include strategies to help first responders prepare for their homework, use precautions to reduce stress during homework & manage stress in the recovery phase of tasks. The Colorado Springs Club Q page provides updates to keep the community informed about incidents & offers information about local services. Resources from The Center for The Study Of Traumatic Stress also respond to mass shootings in Buffalo New York.

Nicolás Degasparre
Nicolás Degasparre

Passionate bacon fan. Wannabe food advocate. Hipster-friendly beer specialist. Certified social media maven. Devoted pizza fan. Total travel enthusiast.

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