Healing After the Colorado Springs Mass Shooting: Trauma Recovery Services for Survivors

The tragic mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs has left many survivors and their families in need of trauma recovery services. Organizations such as The Colorado Healing Fund, Mental Health Colorado, VictimsFirst, National Compassion Fund, and SAMHSA Disast

Healing After the Colorado Springs Mass Shooting: Trauma Recovery Services for Survivors

The tragic mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs has left many survivors and their families in need of trauma recovery services. The Colorado Healing Fund, part of Colorado Gives, is one organization that provides assistance to victims of the shooting. Mental Health Colorado is another organization that offers advocacy services, but not direct service provision. In addition, victims can call 988 for mental health crises or 911 for life-threatening emergencies.

Pam Bosley, a friend of the victims, has dedicated her time to helping other families in similar situations. She and other survivors have turned their outrage into activism, and this toolkit can help guide them through that process. Trauma recovery is an essential part of the healing process for survivors of mass shootings. It helps them to “archive” the event in the past so that it is no longer active.

VictimsFirst and the National Compassion Fund are two organizations that provide financial assistance to victims of gun violence. The Colorado Crime Victim Compensation Program, funded in part through the OVC Fund for Victims of Crime, can also help offset the victim's financial burden related to funeral, mental health, medical and other expenses. The Healing Fund has defended its distribution model in previous statements, saying that it was created by more than 20 of Colorado's leading experts in the area of incident response. Ashtin Gamblin was working at the front door of Club Q the night of the shooting and was shot nine times in both arms, causing broken bones on both sides. Tuesday's funeral in the House of Representatives was the last of the statewide memories of the shooting at Club Q.Deceptions and conspiracy theories can affect every survivor after a high-profile shooting.

Trauma therapy is a form of mental health treatment that focuses on identifying the triggering event; its effect on mental, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual health; and its strategies for processing trauma and allowing for a return to normal functioning and relationships. The SAMHSA disaster app provides resources for any type of traumatic event, including tip sheets; guides for first responders, teachers, parents, and caregivers; and a directory of behavioral health service providers in the affected area. A trauma-informed therapist is aware of the complex impact of any perceived trauma on a person's life. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a type of therapy that helps clients process traumatic events that occurred in the past and are appearing in the present. The Colorado Springs Club Q page provides updates to keep the community informed about the incident and offers information about local services. For survivors of mass shootings in Colorado Springs, there are many organizations that provide trauma recovery services.

These organizations can help victims process their trauma and move forward with their lives. It is important to remember that while life may never be exactly as it was before the shooting, it can still be a good world worth embracing.

Nicolás Degasparre
Nicolás Degasparre

Passionate bacon fan. Wannabe food advocate. Hipster-friendly beer specialist. Certified social media maven. Devoted pizza fan. Total travel enthusiast.

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