Supporting Someone Recovering from Trauma in Colorado Springs: A Guide for Employers

Workforce centers in Colorado Springs offer a range of free services to both employers and job seekers. Learn how employers can support someone recovering from trauma by providing access to resources and programs, offering flexible working hours, being aware of sig

Supporting Someone Recovering from Trauma in Colorado Springs: A Guide for Employers

Workforce centers in Colorado Springs offer a variety of free services to both employers and job seekers. One such resource is the SAMHSA disaster app, a mobile application that provides resources for any type of traumatic event. It includes tip sheets, guides for first responders, teachers, parents and caregivers, and a directory of behavioral health service providers in the affected area. The app also provides strategies to help first responders prepare for their task, take precautions to reduce stress during the task, and manage stress in the recovery phase of the task.

The Colorado Springs Club's Q page is another great resource that provides updates to keep the community informed about the incident and offers information about local services. In general, any injury that occurs at work or while performing work-related duties is eligible for workers' compensation benefits in the state of Colorado. The Colorado Crime Victim Compensation Program, funded in part through the OVC Fund for Victims of Crime, can help offset the victim's financial burden related to funeral, mental health, medical and other expenses. Employers have an important role to play in supporting someone recovering from trauma. They can provide access to resources and programs, offer flexible working hours or allow employees to work from home if needed. Employers should also be aware of any signs of distress or trauma in their employees and provide support if needed.

Additionally, employers should ensure that their workplace is safe and free from any potential triggers that could cause further distress. Supporting someone recovering from trauma is an important responsibility for employers. By providing access to resources and programs, offering flexible working hours, being aware of signs of distress, and creating a safe workplace environment, employers can help ensure that their employees are able to recover from trauma.

Nicolás Degasparre
Nicolás Degasparre

Passionate bacon fan. Wannabe food advocate. Hipster-friendly beer specialist. Certified social media maven. Devoted pizza fan. Total travel enthusiast.

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